Become your own white knight and protect your online business with confidence. 

LAWFULLY EVER AFTER is a 6-week online course that will empower you to protect your business, website, team members, and brand without getting overwhelmed. 


Fall 2024 Live Cohort Doors Close In...









Join the class now!

Simplify the legal maze and launch your online business with confidence so you can be a business owner and OWN your business, for real.

LAWFULLY EVER AFTER is a 6-week online course for online business owners who need to set up their LLCs without getting confused or overwhelmed by the alphabet soup of legal tasks. 


Fall 2024 Live Cohort Closes in  









Join the Class now!

"Brittany packs so much into a short amount of time in a clear, concise, energetic and totally non-confusing way. She is an excellent presenter! She makes the scary stuff so understandable and only slightly uncomfortable."

Shannon from

When I graduated law school a decade ago, I had a new baby and a new “business-baby” but no idea on how to take care of either! While my mom coached me through that early parenting panic — I was still confused about

●  Do I need an LLC, sole proprietorship, EIN or C-Corp for my business?

●  How do you *actually* set up an LLC?

●  Do you need a business license to work from home?

●  How can I get people to easily sign contracts?

●  What is a DBA, and do I need one? (and does it have avocado in it…because I’m here for that!)

●  What am I supposed to *do* with my business money to not get into trouble?

●  What can I share and NOT share on social media?

●  What the heck am I supposed to have at the bottom of my website?

 +++ and MORE!!

Believe it or not, four years of college, three years of law school and a LOT of Law & Order episodes didn’t help me answer ANY of these questions! 

Instead, I had to wade through all kinds of confusing information on craptastic government websites to try and decipher the “alphabet soup” of business acronyms of what I actually needed for a small business.

Handling the legal side of your business can be overwhelming (a lot of attorneys don’t even know how to answer these questions!) So, you don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed if this sounds like you. 

You are probably amazing at selling X, but you don't know what you don't know about legal, right?

If you are looking for a way to finally check those legal tasks off your list and get some quick wins that will give you peace of mind (and healthy business boundaries) - then you’re in the right place! 

You will get some real answers from a real expert, perfectly tailored to a modern online business (whether you sell services, products, or content) without spending endless hours scanning YouTube, Google, and Facebook groups for answers - only to have them contradict each other!

Whether you just set up your first social media account or you’ve been growing fast for a while and need to play “catch up” – let’s get your business protected so you can show up as the confident entrepreneur you are!

In just a few weeks, you will have a “REAL” business set up and ready to scale as big as your dreams!



Make the powerful jump from overwhelmed entrepreneur to empowered CEO, building a rock-solid business legal foundation in less than 6 weeks so your business can grow as big as your dreams!

Lawfully Ever After course

In this module you will learn:

●  How to safely name your business

●  How to protect your privacy if you are a home-based or virtual business

●  The most common business entities and which one may be right for you

●  How to register your sole proprietorship or LLC with your state

●  To get your EIN/Tax ID number from the IRS

●  Set up our business bank account and personal asset protection

●  Plus, checklists, guides, and screen-flow videos to help you GET IT DONE!

At the end of this module, you’ll have a rock-solid legal foundation for you to build your business “house” on and have the legal and asset protection to scale as big as your dreams. 

In this module you will learn:

●  How to do a legal audit of your own website

●  You’ll set up your legal policies in your website footer (and they’ll actually match the rest of your business!)

●  How you can protect your own website content and keep out of legal hot water in using other people’s content

●  What a legit copyright statement looks like and how you can use it

●  Plus, checklists, guides, and screen-flow videos to help you GET IT DONE!

At the end of this module, you will have a legally legit website that is a secure digital “homebase” for your business and you’ll have the rules clearly outlined for anyone who wants to come and visit your digital clubhouse!

In this module you will learn:

●  How to set up proper business boundaries with customers, clients, vendors, and affiliates with contracts

●  What contracts you ACTUALLY need in your business based on your offers and revenue streams

●  The ‘spicy’ legal terms you need to look out for and negotiate in you business contracts

●  How to open, draft, redline, and e-sign contracts like a PRO, including integrating contracts into your project management/CRM systems like Honeybook, Dubsado, 17 Hats, etc.

At the end of this module, you will be able to navigate the most common legal contracts in your business and be able to negotiate legal agreements so you can have solid business boundaries!

In this module you will learn:

●  How to identify and protect your content and your brand assets with the right intellectual property tools
●  The differences between copyrights and trademarks and how you can use them to protect your digital offers
●  The right way to use content that someone else created in your business

At the end of this module, you will know the right tools you can use to protect your content and your brand so you can navigate the creator economy with confidence!

In this module you will learn:

●  How to balance the inherent risks of being an entrepreneur with using the tips and tools in the course

●  Customer service and communication "best practices" to avoid legal issues before they even start

●  Mindset mantras for problem-solving entrepreneurs who want to defeat the creep of impostor syndrome

At the end of this module, you'll have a healthy perspective on risk in  your business so that you can allot the right resources at the right time (and let go of what you can't control!) 



With your purchase today you will get access to the program as long as it is hosted (or "evergreen")  -- and at a minimum 12 months from the date of purchase! 

This includes: 

●  Access to any future updates or additions

●  Access to any updates to the bonuses or legal kits offered as part of the Course

●  Ability to revisit any content or to work through any of the guides or checklists at your own pace


✨  Bonus 1 :
Website Bundle (Value $299)

Worried about taking yet ANOTHER course that just talks about the solution, but isn’t ACTUALLY the solution? This course includes my best-selling Website Legal Bundle, a one-stop website compliance kit with a privacy policy, website terms and disclaimers, so that not only will you have the policies you need, I’ll walk you through how to customize them to your business and make sure they get installed on your website — finally!

✨  Bonus 2 :
Independent Contractor Agreement (Value $325)

Ready to hire your first team member? We will customize this independent contractor agreement template, a $325 value,  so you are ready to onboard that VA, designer, social media manager and every other freelancer that may come after them.  This contract template has confidentiality/NDA language built in and an intellectual property assignment so we can make sure all that awesome stuff your team members are helping you with gets transferred properly into your business bucket.

✨  Bonus 3 :
Growing your Team Guide (Value $99)

Are you gaining momentum fast in your business with a growing team to match? This handy Guide will walk you through the looming legal pot-holes around hiring independent contractors vs. employees with checklists and decision trees. 

✨  Bonus 4 :

“Pay Me” Legal Kit (Value $99)

Have you been stiffed by an overdue invoice and want to know what is in an actual “payment demand letter”? This plug and play legal kit gives you the exact swipe copy you can use to get your customers to pay up, with various levels of intensity, so you can start with firm and civil but jump up to threat-level-midnight if need be!

✨  Bonus 5 :
Copyright Registration Kit (Value $99)

Are you creative content, artwork, photos, videos or curriculum in your business? We're going to teach you how to register the copyright for your original works (and rinse and repeat) so you can have the maximum enforcement benefits if and when they get ripped off and save you a bunch of legal fees. This task can easily be handed off to a team member and built into your creation workflows!

✨  Bonus 6 :
Trademark Search Kit (Value $99)

Want to run a trademark knockout search on your brand name, product names, slogans, merch designs, course names and other assets for your business? This trademark search kit will teach you how to use the NEW trademark search system and to run a common-law knockout search. 

  • Lawfully Ever After Curriculum (Value $1997)
  • Bonus 1: Website Bundle (Value $299)
  • Bonus 2: Growing your Team Guide (Value $99)
  • Bonus 3: “Pay Me” Legal Kit (Value $99) 
  • Bonus 4: Independent Contractor Agreement (Value $325)
  • Bonus 5: Copyright Registration Kit (Value $99)
  • Bonus 6: Trademark Search Kit (Value $99)

TOTAL VALUE: $3,017+


























Add on Live Office Hours for accountability & support!

Get access to six (6) LIVE GROUP Office Hours/ ask-me-anything sessions and a closed paid community & replays to help support you through the Course. The LIVE office hours are only offered a few times a year. The doors to the Fall Cohort close September  27th. Self-study version available at any time. 

What students have said... 


Myth # 1:
"I don’t have to worry about legal stuff yet for my business."

- WRONG. The IRS says you are a business if you have made $600…have you made $600? Sole proprietorships don’t provide ANY asset protection whatsoever. And they can be a pain to untangle once you’ve set up your EIN/bank account/payment processing and merchant accounts, especially if you are still commingling your business and personal money. (*And we don’t recommend commingling ASSets unless you’re on the dance floor, okay?)


Myth # 2:
Legal stuff is SO boring...

Look, it MAY not be the sexiest part of owning a business, true. But do you know what it is? Getting paid on time. Not losing sleep wondering if your personal assets are at risk. Losing sales with bogus refunds or sketchy chargebacks. Getting ripped off. A C&D in your inbox. Or worst of all – NOT moving forward because you are stuck in legal analysis paralysis and you’re worried about doing it “wrong” (or getting ripped off), so you don’t move forward at all.


Myth # 3:
"I’ll just use a business filer like LegalZoom,  Incfile, etc..." 

- You could.  And they will WILDLY overcharge you, upsell you on every screen and you STILL won’t end up with a protected website or any information about what you need to do (or can skip) to get your business setup *finished*. Or picking a trademarkable business name... (I could go on). Plus, many filing companies are hard to cancel and impossible to connect with an actual human.

Myth # 4:
"My Uncle/Dad’s golf-friend/local white-haired lawyer can help me."

- Really? Some legal dinosaur is going to help advise on how to setup and protect a business on “The Instagram”? He's not going laugh at your “little" business? Look, there’s no substitute for a real live attorney – but it comes at a certain price point and not all attorneys are created equal. You need to be guided who someone who gets it!


You’re a freelancer, coach, creator, maker, designer, YouTube Channel, influencer, creative service provider, or ecommerce brand and you’re ready to protect your side hustle or your MAIN GIG.

You have spent HOURS googling legal crap and haven’t found any straight answers, especially for your type of small business.

You're not interested in your Dad’s lawyer-buddy who doesn't understand how you make money on “The Instagram."

You are ready to learn and then DO with some quick legal wins that you can totally DIY (with the right help!)

I’m an experienced online business attorney that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs protect and scale their creative businesses. I don’t believe that making legal info “boring” makes it “better” - so I promise to make legal fun, approachable, and immediately valuable to YOU!

When I graduated law school, I had a baby in one arm and a “business baby” in the other and I didn’t know how to raise either one! While my wise mother helped me get started as a parent, I was so confused about how to set up an “actual” business for myself, and I spent hours trying to google stuff and got all kinds of conflicting advice. This is the course *I* needed to set up a clear roadmap of what I needed to do (and in what order!) to get my business legally set up and lawfully ever after. 

In the last decade as a practicing business attorney, I have helped hundreds of business owners just like you set up their businesses. I know exactly where people get stuck, where weird government websites (and their acronyms) can trip people up, and how to save your precious business dollars for what's MOST important. I'm HAPPILY selling my expertise to you so that you can collapse ALL of that learning into an organized roadmap to actually get this legal $hiz taken care of, once and for all.

When you finish this course, you'll hit SEND with swagger, knowing that each post, each email blast, and each product launch is based on a secure legal foundation. You will be able to tackle newer and better problems in your business and defeat the legal-analysis-paralysis that can keep your plans in an endless spin-cycle!




Are you ready to be the white knight in your own business?
Get access to the Lawfully Ever After course now!
Are you ready to be the white knight in your own business?

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